From 1 January 2011, after enacting Georgian Law on Information-technological Zones, Georgia became very lucrative country for the companies operating in IT field.  Getting a status of virtual zone entity is quite a simple procedure and is granted by the LEPL Financial Analytical Service within 10 working days after submission of the application. The Status of the Virtual Zone is permanent.

For the purposes of Georgian Law on Information-technological Zones, IT is the process of research, development, support, design, production and implementation of computer and information systems.

Virtual Zone Entity Benefits:

Tax type Usual tax rate Virtual Zone Person tax rate Amount exempt from tax
Corporate Income tax  15% 0% Income received through providing services abroad
Value added tax VAT 18% 0% for services delivered abroad

Legislative Act on Information Technology Zone

The Rulesand Conditions

*This is general information only. Georgia's tax code is very extensive and taxes may vary depending on the particular situation.  Before making any decision that may effect on your business or private finance, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. We don’t take any responsibility for any loss by any person/entity who relies on this communication.

Last updated on 25th of January 2020