Whithholding Taxes

Tax Rate Taxable base Additional information
Personal Income tax
20% / 5%

20% payments to employees (including salary and benefits) and service fee paid to individuals (no sole proprietors);

5% Income from renting out residential space to a person for residential purposes.

Dividends paid to non-resident entities, noncommercial legal entities and individuals. the rate can be reduced under a tax treaty.
Interest paid by a resident or a PE of a non-resident or on their behalf to individuals, organizations or non-resident entities without a PE in Georgia. The rate increases to 15% where the interest is paid to a non-resident registered in a low-tax jurisdiction country.
5% and 20%

Royalties paid to a non-resident are subject to a 5%;

Royalties paid to a resident individual (other than an individual that is a VAT payer) are subject to a 20%.

The rate increases to 15% if the recipient is a foreign company registered in a low-tax jurisdiction.
Technical service fee
4% and 10%

10% - technical service fees paid to a non-resident not engaged in oil and gas activities;

4%- where the non-resident provides technical services with respect to oil and gas transactions.


*This is general information only. Georgia's tax code is very extensive and taxes may vary depending on the particular situation.  Before making any decision that may effect on your business or private finance, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. We don’t take any responsibility for any loss by any person/entity who relies on this communication.

Last updated on 25th of January 2020